
Rainmacs and Whatnots.

Hey guys and girls and whatnots.
It's so very nearly summer and I'm way excited to get my shorts out and stop having to wear ridiculous rainmacs. Maybe I should invest in a cute raincoat.. yellow.. with littles boots to match. One day (someone remind me). Anywho.. the fair came down on Friday. Had a blast with my bub, lets just call her Fly. So basically we spent years on the bumper cars. About the only ride I can bear at fairs, and yeh... by far the best. I mean, I start shaking with the adrenaline afterwards. Lucky for me Fly isn't too keen on the big rides anyway. I picked at the candy floss she bought and then we went back to hers. Our 'camping' plan didn't really work out. We set the tent up in the living room; if you can call that camping?

I'd better get going now. I'm sorry I haven't posted for a couple of days. I promise I'll keep them coming if you guys want me to, I quite enjoy it so... yeh. School tomorrow. Monday mornings.. always fun. Have a good evening. Sweet dreams.


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