
Why hello there.

Thought I'd do my first worded post. I can't really describe myself to you.. I tend to express my emotions through photography or film. I'm only 13 so don't expect any amazing thingmagigy whatnots, but you can expect abit of ... flare? I'm a bit of an oddball at school, I chill with the best crazy people who make me laugh every day. When I get home I tend to relax some more. Have a little window shop around online shops.. a hobby you could say. I take about 40 pictures daily but I don't really post them up because most of them are flibbertygibberish. But I'll try and keep you posted regularly as I can. Always a new hobby to be started. You learn something new every day. 

Peace out. 

1 comment:

  1. This is nice, i love the photographs on this blog too!
    Follow and comment I'll follow back?


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